Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental and Social Impact Assessments

RND has in-depth experience in Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) and Indonesian’s Analisis Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL) and can aid and inform your project initiation decision-making process. The information gained is an invaluable asset prior to major project commitments.

 We encourage organisations to make environmental management planning an integral part of operations and project planning. Independent ESIA assessment allows you to minimize your environmental and social impact and meet project deadlines.

The ESIAs cover many specific topics. The exact selection depends on the project and local legal requirements. We offer :

  • Air Dispersion Modelling: to evaluate the impact of stack and dust emissions on the surroundings
  • Noise and Vibrations Measurements and Modelling: to assess the noise and vibrations that may be perceived by neighbours and surroundings
  • Biology and Ecosystem Studies: to evaluate the changes on fauna and flora from the planned site configuration
  • Odour Measurement and Modelling: to assess odour emissions by field sampling followed by laboratory measurement and impact zone modelling with specialised software
  • Hydrogeological and Geothermal Impact: to minimise impacts on the water reservoir and avoid stability issues, water pumping processes can be modelled and in open geothermal systems the re-injection of water can also be assessed before starting the project
  • Hydrological Impact: increased erosion and flood issues from new buildings can cause a serious increase in surface water run-off and so evaluating the additional run-off determines the requirements for alternative water retention or infiltration installations
  • Contamination: to evaluate the potential sources of contamination (eg, industrial activities, storage of fuel, etc) and recommend preventative measures in order to avoid any future contamination; and Environmental authorities can require a baseline report to be completed in order to allow comparison of the state of the soil and groundwater before and after the industrial activity took place.
  • Landscape and Urbanism Impacts: the visual aspects of the future installation are modelled and represented with appropriate graphical software
  • Traffic and Transport Impacts: in regions where traffic issues are already present any future activity needs assessed and the impact of additional traffic on specific routes evaluated (eg, noise and dust generation)
PT. RND Anugerah Utama
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Jl. Raya Kranggan, Mensana Tower Lt.5
Komplek Avenzel Hotel, RT. 002. RW. 016, Kel. Jati Sampurna, Kec. Jati Sampurna, Kota Bekasi – Jawa Barat

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